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Official Portal for
Department of Irrigation and Drainage
Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation
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Jul 31, 2017 - [marco]JUI Accordian - Division|627[/marco]
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Jul 31, 2017 - [marco]Menu Breadcrump - Location|448[/marco]
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Jayakan Perkhidmatan Sempurna

Mar 28, 2017 - Rangkap 1 Alam Hijau Yang Terbentang - Warisan Kita Sumber Air Mengalir - Nadinya Sungai, Pantai Indah Permai, Flora dan Fauna Pastikan Semuanya Terpelihara Rangkap 2 Pembangunan Pastikan Mapan Pertahankan Warisan Korus 1 Bersama Kita... Teraju Usaha... Melestarikan Sumber Air Negara Mereka-yasa Hala dan Cara Wawasan Kita, Cemerlang dan Ternama Rangkap 3 Air Banjir Disalirkan Dengan Sempurna Lembangan Diuruskan Sebaiknya Prihatin dan Kualiti Serta Integriti Nilai-nilai Yang ...
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Mar 27, 2017 - [marco]Menu Breadcrump - Awards|446[/marco]
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Our Structure

Mar 27, 2017 - [marco]Menu Breadcrump - Our Structure|444[/marco]
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Mar 27, 2017 - [marco]Menu Breadcrump - Profile|442[/marco]
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Client Charter Achievement 2017

Feb 15, 2017 - Client Charter Achievement 2017 Client Charter Achievement of the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (Until end of Januari 2017) Obligation Compliance to time frame/client charter standard Non-compliance to time frame / client charter standard Total number of service given Numbers of compliance to standard Percentage of compliance to standard Numbers of non-compliance to standard Percentage on non-compliance to standard 1. Respond to any public complaints received through JPS Careline ...
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Client Charter Achievement 5 - Year 2017

Feb 15, 2017 - Client Charter Achievement 5 - Year 2017 Ensure viability of access to JPS portal at 95% Month Number of  Application Numbers Of  Application  Compliance To Standard Percentage of  Compliance To Standard Numbers Of  Application Non-Compliance To Standard Percentage of  Non-Compliance  To Standard Jan           Feb           March           Apr           May ...
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Client Charter Achievement 4 - Year 2017

Feb 15, 2017 - Client Charter Achievement 4 - Year 2017 Article Index Client Charter Achievement 4 - Year 2017 Continue All Pages Provide technical advice / feedback in not more than four (4) weeks (Overall Report). Month Number of  Application Numbers Of  Application  Compliance To Standard Percentage of  Compliance To Standard Numbers Of  Application Non-Compliance To Standard Percentage of  Non-Compliance  To Standard Jan           Feb   ...
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Client Charter Achievement 4 - Year 2017 - Continue

Feb 15, 2017 - Client Charter Achievement 4 - Year 2017 - Continue Article Index Client Charter Achievement 4 - Year 2017 Continue All Pages Page 2 of 2 Provide technical advice / feedback in not more than four (4) weeks (Monthly report : River) Month Number of  Application Numbers Of  Application  Compliance To Standard Percentage of  Compliance To Standard Numbers Of  Application Non-Compliance To Standard Percentage of  Non-Compliance  To Standard Jan       ...
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