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Department of Irrigation and Drainage
Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation
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Dec 24, 2019 - Membekal maklumat – maklumat kepada pelanggan dalam tempoh tujuh (7) hari bekerja a. Data Hidrologi Bil Menepati Tempoh Masa/Standard Piagam Pelanggan Tidak Menepati Tempoh Masa/Standard Piagam Pelanggan Jumlah Perkhidmatan (Bulanan) Jumlah Menepati Standard % Menepati Standard Jumlah Tidak Menepati Standard % Tidak Menepati Standard Jan 37 100 0 0 37 Feb 51 100 0 0 51 March 42 100 0 0 42 Apr 13 100 0 0 13 May 18 100 0 0 18 June 36 100 0 0 36 Jul 40 100 0 0 40 Aug 39 100 0 0 39 Sept ...
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Client Charter Achievement 2 - Year 2022

Dec 24, 2019 - Provide forecasts and warning dissemination for monsoon flood in 6 hours lead time via PublicInfobanjir website for rivers with flood forecast model. No. Compliance To Time Frame/Client Charter Standard Non-Compliance To Time Frame / Client Charter Standard Total Number Of Service Given  (Monthly) Numbers Of Compliance To Standard % Percentage Of Compliance To Standard Numbers Of Non-Compliance To Standard % Percentage On Non-Compliance To Standard Jan 2 100% 0 0 2 Feb 4 100% 0 0 ...
Tags matched : Statistic

Pencapaian Piagam Pelanggan 1 - Tahun 2022

Dec 24, 2019 - Memberi maklumbalas awal terhadap sebarang aduan dan pertanyaan awam menerusi Sistem Pengurusan Aduan Awam (SISPAA) berkenaan dengan masalah sumber air seperti banjir, sungai, pantai dan saliran dalam masa dua (2) hari bekerja dan maklumbalas kaedah penyelesaian dalam masa lima belas (15) hari bekerja. Bil. Menepati Tempoh Masa/Standard Piagam Pelanggan Tidak Menepati Tempoh Masa/Standard Piagam Pelanggan   Jumlah Perkhidmatan (Bulanan) Jumlah Menepati Standard % Menepati Standard Jumlah ...
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Client Charter Achievement 2020

Dec 24, 2019 - Client Charter Achievement of the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (Until end of Disember 2020) No. Obligation JPS Compliance To Time Frame/Client Charter Standard Non-Compliance To Time Frame/Client Charter Standard Total Number Of Service Given (Bulanan) Numbers Of Compliance To Standard Percentage Of Compliance To Standard Numbers Of Non-Compliance To Standard Percentage On Non-Compliance To Standard 1. Provide initial feedback on any public complaints and enquiries through Sistem ...
Tags matched : Statistic

Client Charter Achievement 5 - Year 2020

Dec 24, 2019 - Ensure viability of access to JPS portal at 95%.     No. Compliance To Time Frame/Client Charter Standard Non-Compliance To Time Frame / Client Charter Standard Numbers Of Compliance To Standard % Percentage Of Compliance To Standard Numbers Of Non-Compliance To Standard % Percentage On Non-Compliance To Standard Jan 97.65 100 0 0 Feb 99.89 100 0 0 March 99.70 100 0 0 Apr 99.89 100 0 0 May 99.80 100 0 0 June 98.70 100 0 0 July 98.20 100 0 0 Aug 98.90 100 0 0 Sept 99.20 100 0 ...
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Client Charter Achievement 2019

Jan 07, 2019 - Client Charter Achievement of the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (Until end of Disember 2019) No. Obligation JPS Compliance To Time Frame/Client Charter Standard Non-Compliance To Time Frame/Client Charter Standard Total Number Of Service Given (Bulanan) Numbers Of Compliance To Standard Percentage Of Compliance To Standard Numbers Of Non-Compliance To Standard Percentage On Non-Compliance To Standard 1. Provide initial feedback on any public complaints and enquiries through Sistem ...
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Client Charter Achievement 1 - Year 2019

Jan 07, 2019 - Provide initial feedback on any public complaints and enquiries through Sistem Pengurusan Aduan Awam (SISPAA) regarding water resources issues such as floods, river, coastal and drainage within two (2) working days and to provide feedback on method of solutions within fifteen (15) working days. No. Compliance To Time Frame/Client Charter Standard Non-Compliance To Time Frame / Client Charter Standard   Total Number Of Service Given  (Monthly) Numbers Of Compliance To Standard ...
Tags matched : Statistic

Client Charter Achievement 2 - Year 2019

Jan 07, 2019 - Provide forecasts and warning dissemination for monsoon flood in 6 hours lead time via PublicInfobanjir website for rivers with flood forecast model. No. Compliance To Time Frame/Client Charter Standard Non-Compliance To Time Frame / Client Charter Standard Total Number Of Service Given  (Monthly) Numbers Of Compliance To Standard % Percentage Of Compliance To Standard Numbers Of Non-Compliance To Standard % Percentage On Non-Compliance To Standard Jan 0 0 0 0 0 Feb 0 0 0 0 0 ...
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Client Charter Achievement 3 - Year 2019 > BPZP > BPZP > BSMA > BSMA > BSMA > BPZP

Jan 07, 2019 - Provide technical review for complete application of EIA, land development and reclamation for residential, industrial, commercial and agricultural sectors within one (1) month. a. BPB No. Compliance To Time Frame/Client Charter Standard Non-Compliance To Time Frame / Client Charter Standard Total Number Of Service Given  (Monthly) Numbers Of Compliance To Standard % Percentage Of Compliance To Standard Numbers Of Non-Compliance To Standard % Percentage On Non-Compliance To ...
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Client Charter Achievement 1 - Year 2018

Jan 17, 2018 - Provide initial feedback on any public complaints and enquiries through Sistem Pengurusan Aduan Awam (SISPAA) regarding water resources issues such as floods, river, coastal and drainage within two (2) working days and to provide feedback on method of solutions within fifteen (15) working days. No. Compliance To Time Frame/Client Charter Standard Non-Compliance To Time Frame / Client Charter Standard   Total Number Of Service Given  (Monthly) Numbers Of Compliance To Standard ...
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