Flood Management
- To protect life and property and to reduce flood damages.
- To create a more condusive environment for economic and social development.
- To give immediate response in facing flood.
Client Charter
1. Advise/ Support services to DID States and Other Agencies
- Response within 2 weeks
2. Response to Service Providers
- General respond within 1 week
- Consultant within 3 weeks
- Surveyor within 1 week Suppliers within 1 week
Organization Chart
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Coastal Zone Management
Increased coastal erosion problems in the shores of Malaysia have threatened local human life as well as cause damages to property and land. Realising this matter, the Government conducted the Coastal Erosion Study in 1984. Results from the Study suggested two level action plan comprise of short and long term action to overcome this problem. To ensure these strategies are carried out effectively, the government have set up a Technical Coastal Engineering Center in the Department of Irrigation and Drainage since 1st Januari 1987.
The main role of the Technical Coastal Engineering Centre is to carry out case studies and also prepare detailed designs for coastal erosion works. It also provides technical advice and coastal information to the country's Coastal Erosion Council along with measures taken as a Technical Information Centre for the public and private sectors which are involved in the coastal zone developement. In 1990, the Technical Coastal Engineering Centre was placed under Coastal Engineering Division. Coastal Division and River Division was merge during DID Re-Structuring exercise in 2005 to form River and Coastal division. This new division consists of 3 sections which are Costal Development Section, Costal Management Section and Coastal Engineering Section.
- To solve erosion problem through coastal protection work.
- To rehabilitate river mouth for the purpose of providing better navigation access for fishermen.
- To prepare Integrated Shoreline Management Plan for whole country by 2025 to ensure sustainable development.
- To execute coastal erosions plan for the protection of all coastal areas in the critical erosion category.
- To execute improvement works on river estuaries categorised under critical conditions to facilitate navigation .
- To provide technical services towards the implementation of the coastal zone management.
Client Charter
- To prepare structural designs for coastal erosion protection in a period of 6 months after all necessary data is obtained.
- To give comments on EIA reports and proposed developement on coastal zone areas by 4 weeks time as requested by the client.
- To respond to all coastal erosion complaints within 48 hours.
Coastal erosion problems threaten the life, properties and economic activities along coastal zone. Therefore, coastal erosion control programme is essential to mitigate these threats in affected areas.
Organisational Chart
*Click to enlarge the image.
River Basin Management
Making rivers in Malaysia clean, vibrant and liveable.
Lead and provide world-class services in integrated river basin management to improve quality of life and environment sustainability.
Contributing towards the government's efforts in improving the quality of life by efficient, comprehensive and integrated River Basin Management and Conservation Programme.
Core Bussiness
Determine policy, strategy and guidelines in river management
Co-operate with each states in river rehabilitation activities and river improvement project
Provide technical services for all states and other agency
Planning and implementing of river study
Provide expertise services in river management in an integrated manner including policy making and legislation besides ensuring river basin is managed perfectly for the purpose of conservation of water resources quantity and quality (Clean, Living & Vibrant River)
IRBM implementation nationwide to support sustainable development including study and preparation of IRBM plan.
Implement river management programme including conservation of river nature, river beautification, awareness campaign and National River Trail programmes.
Implementing river rehabilitation and conservation programmes including solving the river bank erosion problem and restore / improve the river condition.
Managing and storing relevant river information and data.
Organization Chart
*Click the image on top to view the actual size.
Water Resources Management and Hydrology Division
Water Resources Management and Hydrology Division is to manage the national hydrological network that meets world class standard and to provide quality data for operational hydrology, water resources assessment and research.
To collect and process hydrological data for the development and management of water resources for now and future.
To asses hydrological data for water resources to make sure that the information given is enough to implement the plans for development and management.
To provide hydrological services (floods and droughts) at major river basin in Malaysia.
Client Charter
To monitor, forecast river level and flood warning and also to generate flood report within 24 hours.
To provide quality hydrological data and information within 7 working days based on quality objective of MS ISO 9001:2008.
To take action against faulty hydrology instrumentation complaint within 8 hours and solving the problem within 3 working days.
To provide feedback, technical advice and reviews within 14 working days.
Organisational Chart
*Click the image on top to view the actual size.
Facility and GIS
- To ensure that all public assets under departmental jurisdiction are managed in an orderly, efficient and effective manner.
- Leading and providing Geographical Information System (GIS) services to support the management of water resources, flood, river basins and coastal zones.
- To manage departmental assets which covers:
- - Acquisition and registration
- Operation and maintenance
- Evaluation of assets conditions
- Disposal - To apply and manage funds for operation and maintenance of the assets.
- To formulate policies and guidelines on geospatial data acquisition, storage and sharing.
- To establish, manage and maintain GIS database.
- To develop and manage appropriate GIS applications.
- To enhance DID staff’s competencies in GIS.
Client Charter
- To prepare and provide Geospatial data within 14 working days.
Organisation chart
Stormwater Management
Kuantiti air: Mengenal pasti langkah-langkah jangka panjang untuk mengurangkan risiko banjir.
Kualiti Air: Mengenal pasti langkah-langkah jangka panjang untuk mengurangkan impak pencemaran (non-point source) kepada sungai dan saliran
Aset Inventori: Menyediakan Aset Inventori untuk saliran di dalam kawasan kajian
- menyedia dan melaksana dasar dan garis panduan pengurusan air hujan untuk pembangunan tanah dengan konsep kawalan dipunca iaitu kawalan kuantiti dan kualiti
- Menyediakan pelan saliran bandar yang komprehensif untuk bandar-bandar di Malaysia
- Rekabentuk terperinci projek saliran dan pengurusan air hujan
- Menyediakan khidmat kepakaran dalam pengurusan air hujan
- Menyelaras dan memantau projek saliran.
Carta Organisasi
*Click the image on top to view the actual size.
Building and Infrastructure
Latar Belakang
Bahagian Bangunan dan Infrastruktur (BBI) merupakan bahagian baru yang dinaiktaraf hasil pengasingan Unit Bangunan dari Bahagian Struktur, Geoteknik dan Empangan (BSGE). Ianya mula berkuatkuasa pada 15 Disember 2008 setelah mendapat persetujuan dalam Mesyuarat Pasca Kabinet Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar. Penubuhan bahagian ini adalah selaras dengan kehendak YB Menteri agar perlaksanaannya kelak menjadikan BBI sebagai agensi yang bertanggungjawab dalam melaksanakan kerja-kerja berkaitan pembinaan bangunan dan infrastruktur untuk Jabatan atau agensi di bawah kementerian dan ini sekaligus bermaksud JPS tidak lagi bergantung kepada Jabatan Kerja Raya untuk melaksanakan projek-projek fizikal berkaitan.
BBI bertanggungjawab dalam kerja-kerja perancangan, merekabentuk dan melaksana projek-projek bangunan serta lain-lain struktur yang berkaitan. Selain itu ianya juga adalah sebagai agensi pelaksana, perunding operasi dan penyelenggaraan melalui 4 sub-bahagian iaitu:-
- Unit Pengurusan Projek
- Unit Pembangunan
- Unit Perancangan
- Unit Pentadbiran
Memenuhi tanggungjawab dalam melaksanakan kerja-kerja pembinaan bangunan dan infrastruktur selaras dengan kehendak Jabatan.
- Melaksana dan menyelaras kerja-kerja perancangan bangunan termasuk kerja-kerja perlantikan perunding, rekabentuk dan penyediaan dokumen tender.
- Menumpukan perhatian dalam projek-projek pembinaan dan pengubahsuaian bangunan bagi agensi-agensi di bawah Kementerian Alam Sekitar dan Air (KASA).
- Memberi khidmat sokongan bagi kerja-kerja perancangan dan rekabentuk, penyediaan pelan-pelan arkitek bangunan, kejuruteraan mekanikal dan elektrikal di samping memberi khidmat nasihat dan sokongan teknikal kepada bahagian lain.
- Menjalankan perancangan terperinci untuk segala perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan dalam bangunan selain perlaksanaan kerja-kerja operasi rutin harian.
- Memberi khidmat kejuruteraan awam dan senibina bagi projek-projek bangunan dengan mutu yang terbaik.
Piagam Pelanggan
- Menyediakan khidmat kepakaran teknikal tentang bangunan dan memberi maklumbalas serta mengambil tindakan selanjutnya.
- Menyelenggara kompleks ibu pejabat dan memastikan bangunan sentiasa dalam keadaan baik.
- Memastikan projek disiapkan dalam tempoh yang dipersetujui pelanggan
Carta Organisasi
*Klik untuk melihat imej sebenar.
Design and Dam
The origin of Design and Dam Division was traced back to the Design Branch. In 1993, the branch name was changed to the Structure and Geotechnical Branch. Corresponding to the restructuring of the Department, the Specialist Services Division was formed replacing the Structure and Geotechnical Branch. At the same time , the function of Specialist Services Division was further strengthened with inclusion of Dam Monitoring Unit.
At the end of 2005, concurrent with the reorganization of the DID, the division name was once again changed to the Structure, Geotechnical dan Dam Division (BSGE). In line with the restructuring of the Department on August 1, 2009, the Design and Dam Division was formed to replace the Structure, Geotechnical and Dam Division. Headed by the Director, the Division consists of three sections, namely : Design Section, Specialist Section dan Dam Sections.
- To provide services in the area of detailed design, structural engineering expertise, geotechnical and hydraulics, dam safety management and development, technonology materials and product maintenance and rehabilitation of water resources effectively.
- To coordinate asset management of dams and major DID structure to ensure that the assets of the government are reserved.
- To developed expertise in the design of flood mitigation, river, coastal zones and eco-friendly and drainage projects related to water resources.test
- To improve services through innovation program.
To provide expert advice on the structural design, geotechnical, hydraulic and materials technology.
To provide specific design or repair/ rehabilitation of problematic structures.
To resolve problems of structures not functioning as per designed, collapsed structures or structures in critical condition.
To coordinate safety surveillance of major DID structures
To provide infrastructure design for various departments/ agencies under the Ministry of Enviroment and Water (MEWA) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry (MOA).
To assist in ensuring the safety of dams owned by DID and other relevant agencies.
Client Charter
To provide prompt sound specialist support services in line with the function of the Division
To respond to problems or complaints within one (1) week
To provide cost effective design, easy to build and easy to operate with the latest technology.
Organisational Chart
*Click the image on top to view the actual size.
Quantity Surveying and Contract Administration
To Ensure Quantity Surveying Services In Relation To Procurement Management And Contract Administration Are Effectively Implemented With Quality.
To Implement Technical Auditing On Documents In Relation To Procurement Management & Contract Administration For Works, Supplies & Services.
To prepare Tender Evaluation & Letter of Acceptance For Tenders Closed in JPS Headquarters.
To Prepare Guidelines , Director General's Directive Letters, JPS Circulars As To Enhance The Quality Of Procurement Management And Contract Administration.
To Compile And Publish Cost Informations For The Department.
To Identify Contractors' Claims Submitted To JPS Is 'Prima Facie'.
Clients' Charter
Tender Evaluation Report Prepared Within Fourteen (14) Working Days.
Letter Of Acceptance issued Within Seven (7) Working Days Upon Receiving The Result of Tender Board Meeting
Organisational Chart
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Special Project
- To provide project management services profesionally in ensuring the successful implementation of Special Projects designated to the Division
- To become a Project Managament Center of Exellence
- To ensure cost, time, quality targets and customer satisfaction of major projects are archieved.
- To carry technical auditing on Project Quality Assurance, Environmental Management and Occupational Safety & Health of Workers during implementation phase.
- To promote best practices in Project Management.
- To formulate and disseminate effective procedures, processes, guidelines, standars, templates and tools in relation to project management.
- To ensure mechanical and electrical services meet the high standards of quality
- To administer contracts efficiently and effectively.
Organisational Chart
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Mechanical and Electrical Services
We are committed to provide quality & professional consultancy and management services in mechanical & electrical engineering to the highest level of customers satisfaction, foster good engineering practices and be environmentally-conscious.
To be the recognized body in providing comprehensive mechanical & electrical engineering services in water related management to meet high standards of quality, service and innovation towards our customers, our country and the environment.;
Procurement of appropriate machineries and mechanical equipments, which are required by the Department from time to time.
Enhancement and repair of mechanical equipments as well machineries of the Department in particular tractors, vehicles and pumps (inclusive of fixed and mobile pumps).
Invention and / or collection, commissioning, testing and repair of all Watergates and the components thereof under the scheme of the Department of Irrigation and Drainage.
The design, commissioning, testing and repair of all pump and pump components within the scheme of the Department of Irrigation and Drainage.
The design, commissioning, testing and thereafter the care for all mechanical device utilized by the Department
Managed all selected mechanical and public engineering item.
Trained and skill build-up programs of the Department’s staffs in managing and maintaining the Department’s mechanical items.
Undertake the research and development with the view to enhance and modernize the mechanical engineering inputs of the Department to maintain the effectiveness in meeting the Department ’s requirements.
Detailed Function chart. click here
*Content of this Function chart only available in Bahasa Melayu
Client Charter
To ensure all mechanical & electrical systems and equipment are well functioned and efficient.
Respond to technical feedbacks and comments on mechanical & electrical issues within 4 weeks of reciept.
Respond to any system problems, complications and/or complaints received in operation, maintenance, and mechanical equipment within 48 hours.
To ensure that our services can be delivered effectively and efficiently with quality and reliability.
Organisational Chart
Organisation Chart for Mechanical & Electrical Division (KL)
*Click the image on top to view the actual size.
Organisation Chart for Mechanical & Electrical Division (IPOH)
*Click the image on top to view the actual size.
Ensure policy implementation effective and clear, complete source of information reference, accurate and efficient, development programme monitoring of and evaluation achieved on target and high image of the department appearance.
Provide in planning service and department and government implementation of policies, monitoring development programme performance, coordinate the information relating Department services, coordinate customers complaint and enhance the image of the Department to ensure JPS services meet customer needs and satisfaction.
Organisational Chart
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Management Services
To ensure and guarantee a smooth, efficient and effective services in office management, financial, staff welfare, management and security.
Human Resources Management Section
Prepare and ensure all the personnel information of Management and Professional Group and Support Group relevant,integrated and realibility. The related matters:
Placement, Promotions, Acting/Specially For Holder (KUP)
Appointment confirmation, Service Confirmation, Trial Period Extension, Pensionable Status Conferral, Disposal/Resignation, Update and Recorded Service Books, Bearing work, Leave Application, Pension and Application to Foreign
Manage matters Declaration Of Property, Security Filter, Examination Result(PTK), Award, Human Resource Management Panel/Panel Search Committee, JKP and LNPT
Apply Information System in Human Resource Management
- Integrated staffing arrangements (creation, trade-off, grading, disposal)
Financial Management Section
Prepare, manage and ensure the following based on rules treasury:
Manage Bill Payment/Emolument/Allowance/Personal Advance Clain, Imprest Retail Money, Travel Warrant, Loan Transaction(Computer,Vehicle, Housing), Book Management Vote Trust Account, Deposit Revenue Account/ABT dan e-SPKB
Provide Budget Runs act as Secretariat JPKA, Monthly Report Provision Finance
Manage Goods Turnover, Service and Work, e-Perolehan, Local Order, Purchasing, Registration,Maintanance, Asset Disposal, Store Management and act as Secretariat JKP
Administration And Maintenance
Manage and ensure:
Customer Service Management
Correspondence Management Department
File Management,Punch Card
Official Function Business
Building Maintenance/Electrical System, Telephone and Fax, Parking, Pest Control, Canteen Service, Water Supply Cleaning and Handling Of Systems, Air Conditioner,Development, Office Security Managemnt, Building, Tender Provision/Contract/Quatation
Client Charter
To execute and ensure the personal management and human resources become more efficiency and effective.
To responsive about personal data, file record and security report all personal information completely, secure,updated by implement the information technology.
To ensure payments of bills and invoices be made in not more than 14 days from the date of complete document reception(unless otherwise state contract documents).
To supply completely the information to Ministry,Department and Government Agencies accurately within one week;
To ensure and preserve the asset of department any time in a good condition.
Organisational Chart
Human Capital Development
Objective of the Human Capital Development Division is to produce competent Department’s personnel through systematic and effective training
- Plan, develop and prepare the Department’s Human Capital Development programmes
- Manage and administer office operations including administrative, service, finance and Government policies
- Manage and implement the Departmental Examination as well as evaluating competency levels for the staff
- Manage career development and continuous education for DID staff
- Manage and plan infrastructure development as well as teaching and learning facilities
- Manage and plan training programmes and courses to upgrade competency levels of DID staff
- To prepare at least 40% seats of the two (2) days structured course for DID staff and to ensure at least 90% of the Scheduled Courses are being implemented
- To disseminate Scheduled Courses Programmes before January each year
- To ensure results of application for Scheduled Courses for successfull candidates be informed TWO (2) weeks before the sceduled starting date
- To process completed applications for courses / conferences / training overseas and sponsored courses within the country in THREE (3) working days from the date of applicationsreceived
- To announce the Departmental Examination date TWO (2) months prior to the examination
- To implement Departmental Examination at least ONCE a year and to ensure results of the examination be produced TWO (2) months after the examination
- To process the application of Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan (HLP) ONE (1) week before JPA’s closing date
- To ensure all complaints be investigated within ONE (1) working day and the complainant be informed within THREE (3) working days
Organisational Chart
Human Capital Development
*Click the image on top to view the actual size.
Director Office (PPPMI)
*Click the image on top to view the actual size.
IPMI Northen Region
*Click the image on top to view the actual size.
IPMI Eastern Region
*Click the image on top to view the actual size.
IPMI Central Region
*Click the image on top to view the actual size.
Humid Tropics Centre
To promote a conducive atmosphere for collaboration through technology and information exchange in education and science on the hydrological cycle and water resource; and
To increase scientific and technological knowledge on hydrology cycle.
To coordinate the implementation of cooperative hydrological and water resources research projects and activities;
To enhance the networking with UNESCO-IHP National Committees and other similar centres for exchange of scientific and technical information on research results;
To organize training courses, seminars, workshops and meetings for knowledge and technology transfer; and
To produce related hydrological and water resources publications and media for distribution.
Organisational Chart
Smart Control Centre
Link to Smart Control Centre
Information Management
To improve JPS efficiency and effectiveness in administration and information management through the innovative use of information technology.
1. ICT planning in JPS and management of ICT Division
Development of Divisional and ICT Strategic Plan
Secretariat for various ICT steering committees
Procurement management of hardware, software and ICT services
Enculturation of ICT in JPS through training, quality programs etc.
Compliance to ICT procedures and circulars.
Management of divisional administration and finance / expenditure.
2. Management of ICT operations and technical support
Data Centre and server management
System and Database administration
Management of e-mail system
Network management
ICT security management
Technical support and helpdesk
Hardware and software inventory management
3. Development and maintainance of application systems
Development and maintainance of application systems (inhouse and outsource)
Application Systems roll out to states/ divisions offices
Development and maintenance of JPS Website and Intranet
Development of presentation software and Multimedia.
Support the implementation of Electronic Government Systems.
Organisational Chart
*Click to enlarge the image.
Performance Audit​
Performance Audit
To ensure governance in the planning, implementation and outcome achievement of DID development programs.
To instill a culture of integrity, creativity and innovation.
To enhance the level of service delivery through the implementation of standardized work processes.
To perform performance and technical auditing on physical developments program to ensure economic, efficient and effective implementation, and to produce balance and unbias report for the top management.
To perform outcome and impact analysis on development programs and projects with the cooperation of the Divisions and States.
To plan, implement and monitor all aspects of creative and innovative work culture through the implementation of Innovation Action Plan.
To coordinate and monitor the progress and achievements of the Annual Business Plan.
To coordinate and monitor the progress and achievements of Key Performance Indicators related to NRE Minister and Secretary General and also the Director General
To implement and analyze the Value Audit Scorecard of the department.
To coordinate the periodic updating of the Department’s Works Manual.
To coordinate and monitor the implementation of ISO9000, EMS 14000 and OHSAS 18000 initiatives.
Organization Chart
*Click to enlarge the image.
National Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre
To provide accurate and reliable forecast and warning of impending floods for public safety and the reduction of risks and property damage.
To develop, maintain and operate flood forecasting and warning system comprising hydrodynamic and hydrological data collection and telemetry systems and ICT infrastuctures.
To provide timely dissemination of flood forecasts and early warning to flood disaster response agencies and the public.
Enhance disaster resilient communities which are able to absorb the shocks of flood, respond, react and able to recover quickly after the flood over.
Client Charter
Implementing flood forecast and warning dissemination monsoon 2 days earlier to flood disaster related agencies and flood victims in Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang River Basin.
To provide flood report within 24 hours after flood event.
Organisational Chart
Last Updated 2023-09-19 14:55:54 by Administrator