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Department of Irrigation and Drainage
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technical studies

Stormwater Management

Dec 05, 2016 -   Study on Attenuation of Stormwater Runoff Hydrograph Using Engineering Infiltration Systems and Storage Tank (2003) National Strategic Stormwater Management Plan. (2007).
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Resource List available in DID Library

Dec 05, 2016 - Click on special interest subject below to browse: Water Resources River Engineering Hydrology Coastal Engineering Urban Drainage .row-5858af3e3d0f9 {min-height: 750px !important;}
Tags matched : technical studies

Integrated River Basin Management Report

Dec 05, 2016 -   TOWARDS REALISING INTEGRATED RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT IN ~ MALAYSIA  Dato' Ir. Haji Keizrul bin Abdullah  Director General, Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Malaysia    RIVERS -A GIFT OF GOD!  Malaysia has some of the most beautiful rivers in the world. There are some 150 river systems in Peninsular Malaysia and a further 50 river systems in Sabah and Sarawak. Since the beginning of civilization, rivers have played a major and important ...
Tags matched : technical studies

Manual for Urban Stormwater Management Manual

Dec 05, 2016 -   The Manual This manual has forty-eight chapters and is divided into eleven parts is given in appendix 1 (Table of Contents). The first three parts contain background information on environmental process and stormwater management, administration aspects and planning processes. The remaining parts contain detailed information on hydrology and hydraulics, runoff quantity control and conveyance, post construction and construction runoff water quality controls and special stormwater ...
Tags matched : technical studies

Paperwork Love Our River Campaign

Dec 05, 2016 - 1.0 PENGENALAN   Untuk memelihara dan melindungi sungai dan persekitarannya daripada terus merosot, adalah menjadi satu keperluan untuk menimbulkan kesedaran dalam masyarakat mengenai kepentingan sungai dan peranan yang dimainkannya. Bagi mencapai tujuan ini Kerajaan melalui Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran, Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia telah melancarkan di peringkat  nasional Kempen “Cintailah Sungai Kita” pada awal Februari 1993 oleh Menteri Pertanian Malaysia dengan ...
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River Register Basin Phase I Report

Dec 05, 2016 -   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STUDY OBJECTIVES AND BACKGROUND The Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) is interested to develop a River Basin Information Management System (RB-IMS) for Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. The RB-IMS is envisioned by the Dill to be a river basin management information computer database that will facilitate the integrated management of all river basins in the country. It shall include a National Register The objectives of the RB-IMS study are summarised as ...
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River Management/Engineering

Dec 05, 2016 - Register of River Basin Phase I Report Paperwork Love Our River Campaign Manual for Urban Stormwater Management(Draft) Intergrated of River Basin Management Report * Content of this topic only available in Bahasa Melayu. .row-5858af3e3d0f9 {min-height: 750px !important;}
Tags matched : technical studies

Flood Management

Dec 05, 2016 - 1. National List of River Basin (Final Report-Volume 2) 2. National List of River Basin (Final Report-Volume 2.5)        
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Coastal Engineering

Dec 05, 2016 - Technical Studies/Reports/Papers 1. Coastal Erosion : Problems And Solutions 2. Proposed Management Guidelines For Offshore Sand Mining Activities In South Johore, Malaysia 3. Analysis Of Coastal Protection Work Along The Southwestern Coast Of Johore, Malaysia 4. Value Of Mangroves In Coastal Protection 5. Coastal Reclamation In Malaysia 6. Coastal Developments In Malaysia - Scope, Issues And Challenges 7. Investigation Report on Pasca-Tsunami 26 December 2004 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 ...
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