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Urban Storm Water Management (MSMA)

This manual has forty-eight chapters and is divided into eleven parts is given in appendix 1 (Table of Contents). The first three parts contain background information on environmental process and stormwater management, administration aspects and planning processes. The remaining parts contain detailed information on hydrology and hydraulics, runoff quantity control and conveyance, structural and non-structural water quality controls, water quality controls during construction, vegetation and watercourse management and special stormwater applications.

Table of Content

Ch 1 - Malaysian Perspective

Ch 2 - Environmental Processes

Ch 3 - Stormwater Management

Ch 4 - Acceptance Criteria

Ch 5 - Institutional and Legal Framework

Ch 6 - Authority Requirement and Documentation

Ch 7 - Planning Framework

Ch 8 - Strategic Planning

Ch 9 - Master Planning

Ch 10 - Choice of Management Options

Ch 21 - On-site and Community Retention

Ch 22 - Regional Retention

Ch 23 - Roof & Property Drainage

Ch 24 - Stormwater Inlets

Ch 25 - Pipe Drains

Ch 26 - Open Drains

Ch 27 - Culverts

Ch 28 - Engineered Waterways

Ch 29 - Hydraulic Structures

Ch 30 - Stormwater Quality Monitoring

Ch 11 - Hydrologic Design Concepts

Ch 12 - Hydraulic Fundamentals

Ch 13 - Design Rainfall

Ch 14 - Flow Estimation & Routing

Ch 15 - Pollutant Estimation

Ch 16 - System Design

Ch 17 - Computer Models

Ch 18 - Principles of Quantity Control

Ch 19 - On-site Detention

Ch 20 - Community & Regional Detention



Ch 31- Filtration

Ch 32 - Infiltration

Ch 33 - Oil separators

Ch 34 - GPTs

Ch 35 - Ponds and wetlands

Ch 36 - Housekeeping Practices

Ch 37 - Community Education

Ch 38 - Actions to Control Erosion & Sediment

Ch 39 - Erosion and Sediment Control Measures

Ch 40 - Contractor Activity Control


Ch 41 - Erosion and Sediment Control Plans

Ch 42 - Landscaping

Ch 43 - Riparian & Wcourse Mgmt

Ch 44 - Subsoil Drainage

Ch 45 - Pumped Drainage _revised

Ch 46 - Lowland, Tidal and Small Island Drainage

Ch 47 - Hillside Drainage

Ch 48 - WW Overflows

Last Updated 2022-05-12 16:34:20 by

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