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Department of Irrigation and Drainage
Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation
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Bertam - Kepala Batas Flood Mitigation Project

1.0: Location

Northern part of Seberang Prai District in Penang covering the Kepala Batas town, Ladang Bertam, Lahar Ikan Mati and Kg. Tok Bedu.

2.0: Background

The northern part of Seberang Perai is fast developing and becoming the center of administration, educational and industrial region. However, it is often affected by floods which normally occured during the monsoon season from April to May and September to November, yearly. The worst floods ever recorded happened in the year of 1974, 1988, 1995, 1998 and 1999.

The most affected places are the Kepala Batas town, Ladang Bertam, Lahar Ikan Mati and Kg. Tok Bedu which cover a total area of approximately 44.30 Km². Total losses is estimated in the figure of RM 0.5 million to RM 2.0 million yearly.

Flooding problem at project area because of due to overbank spill from drains and insufficiant discharge capacity of main outlet drainage systems. The low-lying terrain and increased runoff from urban development further aggravated the flood problem.

The main outlet drainage systems for the project area were originally developed for agricultural drainage and are no longer adequate to cater for the increased in stormwater runoff rate brought about by urbanization. The capacity of the main outlet drainage systems needs to be increased to remove water from the project area and a more efficient internal drainage system to convey stormwater runoff to the main drainage system needs to be provided.  

3.0: Objective

  • To mitigate and reduce flood impact at Bertam / Kepala Batas area.

  • To increase hydraulic capacity at main drainage outlet.

  • To improve main drainage systems.

4.0: Scope of Work

The scopes of works for this project includes the following: -

  • Upgrading the existing rivers and drainage system

  • Construction of retention ponds- Installation of drainage pumping system

  • Construction of outlet channels and river gates

  • Construction of bridges

  • Construction of bund

Last Updated 2017-04-25 14:27:39 by Administrator

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