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Official Portal for
Department of Irrigation and Drainage
Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation
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PTIS Guideline


In order to become a member of PTIS, vendor is required to follow the steps below:

A)        Create Product Information


B)        Request Presentation (if applicable)



1)   Create Product Information

      Go to Product page, fill in product details.



2)   Request Presentation

      Go to Presentation page, select a product and fill in presentation details.

There are two types of presentation,
i.    Oral Presentation (with Continuing Professional Development, CPD) and Poster presentation.
ii.    Poster presentation.

For Oral Presentation selection, a speaker must be an engineering background and shall follow the following steps accordingly;
i.    Choose Oral Presentation as presentation type, select the relevant product and fill in the presentation details. A vendor also allows selecting the poster presentation.
ii.    A registration confirmation email will be sent to your email together with the Acceptance-Form.
iii.    An approval confirmation email will be sent to your email once verified by administrator.
iv.    To proceed to next stage, the vendor shall contact the administrator as per procedure/steps in the email.
v.    A confirmation email will be sent to your email upon the finalisation by the administrator.
vi.    To proceed to next stage, you are required to upload your initial presentation resources (e.g. presentation slides, introduction video, image)
vii.    An invitation email will be sent to your email which attached with Invitation Letter with the details of presentation agenda, date, time, venue and others.
viii.    After presentation has been carry out, a finalised version of presentation resources will be updated by administrator and the presentation and relevant product will be locked and the vendor account is closed.
ix.    Repeat step 1 (if applicable)

For Poster Presentation selection, the steps required are as follows;
i.    Choose Poster Presentation as presentation type, select the relevant product and fill in the presentation details.
ii.    A registration confirmation email will be sent to your email with an Acceptance-Form attachment.
iii.    To proceed to next stage, the vendor shall contact the administrator as per procedure/steps in the email.
iv.    An approval confirmation email will be sent to your email upon finalisation by the administrator.

C)        Advance Search

            Go to Advance Search page, vendor is allowed to search for the information of their products and presentations in an efficient and effective way.   

Last Updated 2017-07-26 12:04:32 by Administrator

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